At the end of the cold war, the world released a big, tense breath and began stretching out. 冷战结束后,全球长舒了一口气,人们开始探索外面的世界。
Microporous polypropylene hollow fibrous membranes may be prepared by the melt spinning and cold stretching ( MSCS) or thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS) method. 对熔融纺丝-冷却拉伸与热致相分离两种制备微孔聚丙烯中空纤维膜的意义、原理、过程、影响因素等进行了评述。
The results show that ASS's yield strength can be improved significantly by cold stretching technique and thus the wall thickness of pressure vessel can be substantially reduced. 由此可大幅减薄压力容器的设计壁厚,实现压力容器的轻型化设计。
The result shows that during the cold drawing process below Tg, stretching induced crystallization occurred and thus a-modification crystals formed in the cold drawn samples whose precursor was spun at low speed. 结果表明,低纺速下制得的无定形初生纤维在低于Tg温度下进行冷拉伸时,发生了应力诱导结晶,促使纤维中生成了α晶体。
Cold-rolled ribbed steel bars adopt common low-steel bars or low-alloy hot-rolled steel bars which have lower strength and better plastics as a row and processed materials, is a sort of steel which is cold-rolled two-sides or three-sides crossing rib in surface through cold stretching. 冷轧带肋钢筋是采用强度较低、塑性较好的普通低碳钢或低合金热轧钢筋为母材,经冷轧减径后在其表面形成具有三面或两面月牙形横肋的钢筋。
Based on analysis of material test and numerical simulation of cold-stretched vessel, the proper rate of pressure rise and control strategy is studied. And the cold stretching control system is developed. 本文通过材料试验分析及应变强化容器的数值模拟研究,得到了合适的应变强化增压速率及控制策略,开发出了应变强化控制系统。
Under the test parameters of this paper, the strengthening effect in tensile and fatigue behavior by cryogenic temperature and cold stretching have been discussed from the points of view with micro and macro behavior in phase structure and mechanical properties respectively. 在本文试验背景下,从宏观力学行为和组织相变角度分析了深冷和应变强化对材料拉伸和疲劳性能的强化作用,以及两者对奥氏体不锈钢疲劳寿命的增益作用。